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Sunday, May 8, 2011

valentino rossi helmet face

valentino rossi helmet face. Take#39; Rossi Face Helmet
  • Take#39; Rossi Face Helmet

  • CuttyShark
    Apr 12, 11:08 PM
    Hard to take anyone seriously as a professional who uses Adobe. Avid, sure, but the industry has moved to Final Cut Pro, at least the part of the industry I interface with.

    You calling this Final Cut a "toy" after it was just presented to a room full of professionals who loved it seems odd. Why the need to diminish it when it is clear that if you werent' there, there's much we don't yet know?

    Adobe Photoshop and After Effects are not 'pro'? Please explain that to me. I never said Premiere. I made the switch to FCP in 2005 after 10 years of solid AVID work, yet I still use them both - just depends what job I'm on and who I'm working for. I stand by what I say - It looks like a fun 'toy' to play with. I have my doubts when it comes to some serious sound track organization and color correction. Reminds me a lot of when someone gave me a demo of Speed Edit by Newtek. It's really interesting how alike these seem to be.


    valentino rossi helmet face. valentino rossi helmet face.
  • valentino rossi helmet face.

  • neko girl
    Apr 26, 10:14 PM
    Thread topic reminds me of:

    valentino rossi helmet face. AGV Rossi Mugello quot;My Facequot;
  • AGV Rossi Mugello quot;My Facequot;

  • einmusiker
    Mar 18, 01:16 PM
    I'd like to see some kind of evidence that they can prove people are doing unauthorized tethering. You won't be seeing it so they really have nothing to charge you for. All we've heard so far is speculation and nothing more

    valentino rossi helmet face. The chicken helmet was better
  • The chicken helmet was better

  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:34 PM
    All successful malware includes privilege escalation via exploitation. This does not. That is why malware never has become successful in OS X and is becoming less successful in Windows. The big issue with Windows in the past was the default account in Windows XP (admin) runs with elevated privileges by default so privilege escalation was not required for system level access.

    Man in the browser is now the biggest issue for all OS's, malware wise.

    All the info. happens via the browser, there is no point attacking anything else.

    valentino rossi helmet face. Valentino Rossi – Signed 2008
  • Valentino Rossi – Signed 2008

  • brianus
    Aug 29, 11:53 AM
    You can't always win :rolleyes: :cool: :D

    CRT monitors also consume more power than LCDs.

    Great avatar, CompUser. I thought my system had just slowed to a crawl! :D

    valentino rossi helmet face. The AGV Rossi Face helmet is
  • The AGV Rossi Face helmet is

  • RebootD
    Apr 12, 11:38 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

    As a print designer who has slowly started moving into editing and animation it made sense for me to just pay more for the Master Collection and start using Premiere and AE.

    That said I miss using FCP (I used it at a job a few years back) and at $299 I am happy to pick it up and combine it with AE.

    valentino rossi helmet face. right side valentino rossi
  • right side valentino rossi

  • lilo777
    Apr 20, 09:13 PM
    Open Terminal, run: ls /
    Open the root HD folder in Finder.

    See a difference?

    I don't. I just don't have OS/X. I just assumed that OS/X might not have it since some OS/X users here were confused about Windows hiding system files. :)

    More to your point though, all UNIX derivatives have some primitive form of this feature (well... somewhat different but still) as manifested in the behavior of "ls" (and other) command which by default "hides" the files which names start with "."

    valentino rossi helmet face. valentino rossi face; valentino rossi helmet face. valentino rossi face printed; valentino rossi face printed
  • valentino rossi face; valentino rossi helmet face. valentino rossi face printed; valentino rossi face printed

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 08:46 AM
    These people that are trying to claim they're a hardcore gamer, aren't. A true gamer plays games, regardless of where they are played or how they are played. A gamer plays games. There's nothing more too it than that.

    valentino rossi helmet face. VALENTINO ROSSI HELMET FACE

  • Piggie
    Apr 28, 11:18 AM
    Companies that "ship" stuff that people don't buy do not stay in business very long. Therefore, "shipping" is a good enough estimate 99% of the time. The other 1% is quickly identified and purged from the economy.

    Does this rule apply to non Apple computers and tablets?

    I recall only a short time ago when non Apple companies where posting numbers, people on these forums were ripping the figures to shreds as they said they were not sold items but only shipped items.

    Do we all agree the same rules for everyone :)

    valentino rossi helmet face. VALENTINO ROSSI HELMET FACE

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 26, 02:28 PM
    I don't know what apple would plan with this

    easy answer would be:
    1-New mid & high end mac pro. with 2 quad core cpu's

    also, new mid range tower. PLEASE!! a smaller tower, less hard drive bays.
    something with more desktop power than imac or mac mini, less than mac pro.

    and while i hear what brian said. i hope apple can get excellent volume pricing, and get to use this in the workstations.

    also maybe the core 2 extreme in the model which could be better than macmini and imac and less expensive than the mac pro.

    give us a mid range upgradable mac.

    valentino rossi helmet face. The Valentino Rossi #39;Face
  • The Valentino Rossi #39;Face

  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 12:38 PM
    I've never understood this. Do you really think there are Catholics in Africa who are saying "I really want to have pre-marital sex/sleep with this prostitute/rape this woman, but oh darn, the Pope says condoms are a sin"? Do you not see why that's a little strange?

    This brand of obfuscation, while par for the course, is growing tiresome. The Catholic church has actively discouraged the distribution of condoms, even to couples where one partner is HIV sero-positive, and the other is HIV sero-negative.

    What's worse is that the Catholic church has actively discouraged the distribution of condoms to non-married people, with the notion that because the invisible creator of the universe has a distaste for latex, an agonizing death from HIV/AIDS is an appropriate punishment for pre-marital sex.

    The Catholic church doesn't care about people; it cares about sex. A group that cared about people would say "You should consider not having sex with multiple partners. However, human nature being what it is, if you do have sex with multiple partners, use a condom so that you don't end up dying from a horrible disease."

    THAT would be a reasonable message.

    If someone in the church actually lied about the efficacy of condoms, then shame on them, but I don't see what the point would be.

    Not just "someone" in the church; we're talking about the Pope here.

    I'm sure abstinence-only education doesn't "work" if you define "working" as guaranteeing no one will have sex before marriage then I'm sure you're right. But teaching kids that sex is serious and not a game might have positive effects you're not considering.

    I absolutely agree with the last statement. Sex is serious, but not because an invisible god says so; because it is, in reality, serious.

    Teach abstinence; but also teach that if you choose not to be abstinent, you should protect yourself. To do the former without the latter is inexcusably stupid.

    You misunderstood, but maybe I could have worded it better. A person being raped makes an effort to resist, assuming they are conscious and able to resist. A person willfully having sex isn't going to resist. That passage eliminates the possibility of a person having willful sex and then claiming that they were raped in order to avoid the consequences.

    One is actually rape, the other isn't.

    No, rape is rape.

    But even if I grant you this point, the Bible still instructs us to kill adulterers. Do you support that?

    valentino rossi helmet face. VALENTINO ROSSI

  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 9, 09:03 AM
    The premise of suggesting someone on a check out line play a game on a console is silly. I mentioned the word "future" for a reason, not to supplant but for the anticipation. That obviously escaped you.

    I've said elsewhere in this thread, the IOS mind numbing game is just perfect for the above scenario, you know when your waiting behind the lady who waits until everything is rung up before digging in her ginormous purse to dig out her wallet, count her money, and then dig around for loose change. IOS games are good for distraction.

    Nope didn't escape me, I just don't agree with you or think it's worth discuss products that don't exist yet and comparing them to ones that do. That's not a "it's not fair" issue, that's a "stop suggesting a product you can't buy is better than one you can". You've not used one for any period of time that is meaningful, stop listing it as a better gaming experience.

    The fact that you make a range of posts across a thread is not an excuse to make lazy assertions in one.

    I'm glad you acknowledge that this is a scenario perfect for iOS, now try it in a few more. You won't regret it.

    valentino rossi helmet face. On Valentino Rossi Helmet
  • On Valentino Rossi Helmet

  • gnasher729
    Oct 28, 01:19 PM
    Simple swap has already been tested and confirmed to work in early September by Anandtech (http://www.anandtech.com/mac/showdoc.aspx?i=2832&p=6).Not really. The 2.66GHz Clovertown lists @ $1172 vs. $851 for both the 2.33GHz Clovertown and the 3GHz Woodie. Since Apple charges +$800 for a 3GHz Dual Woodie, this means they will likely charge only +$1100 for the 2.66GHz Dual Clovertown - total $3599. Hardly expensive at all. I'd say they are going to be a bargain and LESS EXPENSIVE when you look at the per core price of $450 - or PLUS $275 for each of four more cores.2.66GHz is not significantly slower than 3GHz - especially when the workload can be shared among many more.

    There is one error in your calculation: The 2.33 GHz Clovertown and 3.00 GHz Woodcrest cost the same, so you would expect the same price for both systems (price of 2.66GHz Woodcrest + $800, like today). However, the price difference between 2.66GHz Clovertown and 2.33GHz Clovertown is $1172 - $851 = $321 _per chip_ which makes it $642 _per eight core system_.

    valentino rossi helmet face. Valentino+rossi+helmet+; valentino rossi helmet face. valentino rossi face; valentino rossi face
  • Valentino+rossi+helmet+; valentino rossi helmet face. valentino rossi face; valentino rossi face

  • robbieduncan
    Mar 14, 12:12 PM
    While the idea is ridiculous Lewis Carroll (who was a mathematician amongst other things:rolleyes:) did some work on the problem and in a fictional work came up with this:

    "In Chapter 7 of Lewis Carroll's 1893 book Sylvie and Bruno. The fictional German professor, Mein Herr, proposes a way to run trains by gravity alone. Dig a straight tunnel between any two points on Earth (it need not go through the Earth's center), and run a rail track through it. With frictionless tracks the energy gained by the train in the first half of the journey is equal to that required in the second half. And also, in the absence of air resistance and friction, the time of the journey is about 42 minutes (84 for a round trip) for any such tunnel, no matter what the tunnel's length."


    It's a cool idea but the frictionless materials to build the tracks from don't exist outside physics exam papers :(

    valentino rossi helmet face. Valentino Rossi
  • Valentino Rossi

  • diamond.g
    Apr 21, 09:12 AM
    Or you know, turn locations off. Hard to look at it when it hasn't been tracking. Skype did a good job of quickly fixing the bug, but that is hardly the case in EVERY app out there. It was one example a potential flaw, of which there have been many on Android devices.

    Have we established that turning off location services actually disables this "feature"?

    valentino rossi helmet face. ROSSI REPLICA HELMET FACE

  • organerito
    Apr 29, 08:41 AM
    My wife is a teacher. She personally taught lots of them. Schools are now using Windows machines. After that my wife switched to Windows. I've been using Macs for 18 years. But I'm getting so sick of waiting for Apple to make a mid sized mid range Mac without a built in screen I'm close to switching to Windows too.

    My former music teacher could get a Macbook Pro fro free. He got a Dell compueter. he started with a Mac and he changed. His wife just got rid of his Macbook to get an HP.

    I really like the iPhone, but I am crazy about any Mac computer. I can afford any of them. Only narrow-minded people believe that all the people who don't have a Mac is beacuse thay can't afford it. Some of us, actually, don't want a Mac, but we might like the iPhone.

    valentino rossi helmet face. AGV GP-Tech Valentino Rossi
  • AGV GP-Tech Valentino Rossi

  • miles01110
    May 2, 10:48 AM
    So what's your solution? Sounds like it's half "LOL Mac fanboiz r stupid" and half "Users are morons so lets keep them uninformed, and complacent on using antivirus software they don't need".

    Which would be especially genius advice since this latest malware pretends to be software that will protect their Mac.

    I'm not sure how youdrew that conclusion from my statements, but maybe things are different in your little world.

    Don't spread FUD about what the actual situation is. Practice safe computing habits like not installing cracked software or special porn codecs. Don't put your administrator password into random app installers that popup. Participate on Mac community sites to stay informed about possible threats.

    And finally - Don't install antivirus/malware software for no reason because most of them are **** anyway and will do more bad than good for your Mac.

    That's fine, but that's not what most fanboys espouse. "THERE ARE NO VIRUSES FOR OS X!!!" is not the same as "There is no malware for OS X," which confuses the uninformed user.

    valentino rossi helmet face. AGV Ti-Tech Valentino Rossi
  • AGV Ti-Tech Valentino Rossi

  • Multimedia
    Nov 3, 06:02 AM
    OK to swerve this thread back on topic, what if Apple is planning to unleash a massive multi-core assault and fill that big middle gap in the lineup at the same time?
    Here's the theory;
    January Macworld Steve unveils the 8 core Mac Pro, no surprises there, shows off the massive power using Leopard demo's etc. Great for Pro's (like Multimedia and myself) but not much use to the average guy. Prices stay the same or even rise slightly, after all, we are talking 8 cores here. Previously you needed to spend $7-8k to get that kind of power. But what if the one more thing was a Kentsfield Mac Pro (using the C2Q6600), a i975 Mb with DDR2 ram, etc, etc . Sloting into that $1400-2000 zone? I dont see this competing with the iMac, esp. since you get a 24" screen with your $2000 iMac. It's just another choice. Use the same case, make it black or something, but you now have
    Mac Mini 2 cores
    iMac 2 cores + Widescreen display
    Mac Prosumer 4 cores + upgradeable
    Mac Pro 8 cores for ultimate power.

    Sounds good......:)I'm with you there. Not new that there is a small group here that can't understand why the Conroe card isn't being played yet. Kentsfield has got to be coming to a Mac Pro soon, iMacs next Spring and then Kentsfield's successor Bloomsfield in the 2008 iMacs later. Then in 2009 let's see 8-core Yorkfield in that year's iMacs please.

    valentino rossi helmet face. AGV GP-Tech Valentino Rossi
  • AGV GP-Tech Valentino Rossi

  • NikeTalk
    Mar 18, 01:34 PM
    Knowing AT&T they may just switch every iPhone user over, now that'd be hilarious..

    Apr 21, 03:48 AM
    Everything I hear Android, I think of piracy. And customizing for hours or days.

    May 2, 04:44 PM
    trying to stick to facts...

    OSX marketshare was just shy of 50 mill
    That's Mac OS X installed base, not the installed base of Macs, as I said. Mac OS X is not the only Mac OS out there. Reading comprehension is fun!
    lol, sorry........I can't get into this but you are SO wrong its not true.
    Which means, of course, that you can't back up your claims with facts.

    there are governments around the world employing people to do this kind of thing.
    So? That has nothing to do with your baseless claims about hackers.

    Apr 10, 11:22 AM
    Epic is garbage and their engine is garbage.

    Six of one, a half dozen of the other.

    Big name is big name.

    And yeah, really garbage. :rolleyes:


    Pretty impressive, I'd say. But it won't just be Epic. Others are and will follow. Rest assured.

    Apr 6, 05:46 PM
    My main issues when I switched was no
    -cut/paste files in finder.
    -No maximise window
    -red x didnt quit program.
    -enter/return renames instead of opens
    -No directory location bar in finder (to tell you the folder structure/where you are)
    -Plus a few more that were already mentioned

    But after a few weeks all the problems went away. These "issues" are not really issues, it is just a different OS and you are still in the windows mindset. Once you accept things are different you learn and adapt.

    Cut and paste in finder, sure it would be handy sometimes.. But the UI of OSX is built around an alternative. you can click and drag any file, hold t over a location and the folders spring open. Its not a perfect replacement (sometimes quite slower) but it gets the job done.
    Or you just get accustomed to having more windows open and drag between them (usually the case especially because expose is awesome)..
    This being said, I still want cut/paste in finder.. But the alternative is quite usable.

    -Maximize.. Really this is just a different OS. You cant expect it to behave the same way. OSX is a great multi tasking OS. Having multiple windows open is much easier to manage (especially because of tools like expose). The "maximise" is really a fit window to contents button. It will increase the window size to make sure everything fits. So a web page will get as big as it needs to fit with out scrolling... The only problem I have with this is that it isn't consistent with every app.. Some programs don't enlarge the window to fit the contents. It is up to the developer.
    But after using it for a few weeks you get used to it, and actually like it comapred to taking up the full screen (usually...).

    -return/enter renaming.. This is just a different OS. you have to re learn some hot keys. It's the way of life. Instead of enter, you press command+o.

    -No Directory path... Well there is. inside of finder you can turn on 2 options. One to show the folder structure at the bottom of the finder window (like a status bar) and navigate up/down a folder tree. open up finder, go to View> select show PAth bar.
    2. customize the finder tool bar and add a path icon. This adds a trop down button which shows the path and lets you jump back.
    3. Terminal command which shows the directory path right at the top of a finder window. This replaces the current directory name with the path.

    Really, there are changes. Some annoying, but that comes with the territory . You are using a different OS after all. Most of the annoyances or frustrations are early on and mainly because you are not familiar with the OS. But after survive them, you really do tend to work faster and more efficient in OS X.

    I have been a windows user since 3.1, grew up with windows. Windows was work.
    But A few years ago I took the dive and switched to OSX.. I love every second of it and don't think I will ever go back to using windows full time..
    My brother who was even a big gamer and used windows exclusively.. even said he would never use another OS full time other than windows (used linux ont he side..) has switched to OSX. Bought a macbook for school (due to large battery and build quality). Now he plans to buy an iMac to replace his desktop because he likes OSX so much (which he didn't at first).

    Jul 12, 01:13 AM
    So this'll mean one of 3 things.

    1) At least 1 Mac Pro will have dual Woodcrests and the rest will have Conroes. Similar to the current PM design.

    Different CPU-models in one line of computers? Unlikely. Current PowerMacs have just one type of CPU in 'em, it just happens that one model has two of them.

    3) The Mac Pros will all have dual Woodcrests, the MBP & iMac will get Meroms, the MB and Mac mini will stick with the Yonahs. So what will use the Conroes? How about the Apple Mac. A simple box with a Conroe processor, a real replaceable video card, no additional PCI slots (those are reseved for the Pro models), with room for one or two full size HDs, a DVD, wireless, bluetooth, etc...

    What I think will happen is that the "MacPro Mini" will have one 16x PCI-E slot, and maybe two PCI-E 8x slots. MacPro would have two 16x PCI-E slots (for dual-graphics), and maybe 3 PCI-E 8x slots. MacPro would also have four drive-bays for HD's (hot-swappable, maybe? (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=2600408#post2600408)), whereas MacPro Mini would have just two. MacPro would be all quad (starting from 2x 2Ghz, through 2x 2.33Ghz to 2x 3Ghz), whereas Mini would be 1x 2.33Ghz and 1x 2.66Ghz.

    If they did something like that, I would buy one in a heartbeat. But MacPro would still offer substantial benefits over the Mini, so the people looking at the $1999 MacPro Mini would start to think "why not spend just a bit more, and get a MacPro with all these additional features?". We are already seeing that in iPods :).

    Please Apple: You know this makes sense! There are LOTS of people waiting for the MacPro Mini!