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Sunday, May 8, 2011

seth gabel

seth gabel. Detail information:
  • Detail information:

  • TonySwartz
    Oct 12, 04:35 PM
    http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/5216/indexfallingnanos20061012fz5.th.png (http://img189.imageshack.us/my.php?image=indexfallingnanos20061012fz5.png)

    seth gabel. and her husband Seth Gabel
  • and her husband Seth Gabel

  • daneoni
    Sep 13, 09:56 PM
    If that is it then i am so not interested. Crome back and polucarbonate front??. Thats just screaming "scratch me please" if this picture is real then it suggest they took an iPod and slapped phone components onto it. Plus side is, its got a big screen and........??

    seth gabel. Seth Gabel Pics
  • Seth Gabel Pics

  • Tommyg117
    Sep 26, 12:14 PM
    Well, it looks like I wont be getting this phone now. Sorry, I'm Verizon and so are all the people I talk to, so I'm not gonna switch for this.

    seth gabel. Actor Seth Gabel who portrays
  • Actor Seth Gabel who portrays

  • longofest
    Oct 27, 07:44 AM
    An environmental activist group getting a little roudy at an expo? That's impossible!!! :rolleyes:

    seth gabel. Howard amp; Seth Gabel: Our
  • Howard amp; Seth Gabel: Our

  • purell16
    Sep 5, 03:33 PM
    Isnt it pretty reasonable to assume that this will really just be iPod related/iTunes movie store related because macrumors did not get an invite but iLounge did. ABC News is even talking about the news iPods and Movie store. This thread has really gone crazy with people talking about the airport express and such. It has been a year since the iPod nano has been updated so we can be CERTAIN that their will be new nanos.

    seth gabel. Still of Seth Gabel in Fringe
  • Still of Seth Gabel in Fringe

  • Small White Car
    Apr 25, 01:24 PM
    ...and you think most people who buy a MBP won't swap out the drive for a 7200RPM drive or an SSD and max out their memory?

    seth gabel. Blog talks to Seth Gabel
  • Blog talks to Seth Gabel

  • mi5moav
    Oct 12, 04:19 PM
    I hope somehow apple creates forum software with spotlight search so as soon as I start typing something it searches through 500 pages of posts and on the right side of the screen will show similar comments, who posted it, and on what pages similar comments are/where posted.

    seth gabel. and her husband Seth Gabel
  • and her husband Seth Gabel

  • dpMacsmith
    Jul 19, 03:14 PM
    Ok, here are my predictions.

    MacPro - woodcrest (available immediately, all dual duals, 3 levels starting at 2.0 GHz)
    XServe - woodcrest (Available soon)
    iMac - Conrow (It is the oldest Intel computer and has received 0 upgrades in 6 months. E6400 in the 17" and E6600 in the 20", we may see a small price decrease)
    MacBook Pro - Merom (in 1 Month, Paris intro?)
    MacBook - Yonah for now (Merom in about 4 months)
    MacMini - Yonah (use existing 1.66 and 1.83 parts)

    I would love to see the MacMini get Conroe parts.. it should reduce the cost. Heat may be an issue. The E6300 might work.

    I would love to see a small tower, Video Card would be replaceable. Maybe room for a second 3.5" drive. Does SATA have the capability of driving 2 HDs from one controller. It would be similar size to the cube. Pricing about $100 more than the Mini. No expansion slots.

    I've got to admit though, I really like my 1.66 GHz Mini. Small, quiet, and fast enough.

    seth gabel. seth gabel
  • seth gabel

  • dmelgar
    Mar 23, 05:19 PM
    You counter point is just as silly.

    He makes a wonderful counterpoint.

    People are willing to give up freedoms one inch at a time. But when you realize how much you stand to lose, or how much you've already lost, it takes on a different perspective. What is going on now, with Apple's control over what applications you can run on your general computing device, would have been deemed silly just a few years ago. But somehow its different because this computer is an iPad and not a Windows PC.

    seth gabel. Seth Gabel
  • Seth Gabel

  • parkds
    Oct 12, 01:48 PM
    Why is U2 so big with iPods anyways? The only group to have their own iPod. :confused:

    (I don't mean to be disrespectful to the U2 fanboys out there)

    Could be because Bono bought Steve Jobs apartment in New York City from him.

    seth gabel. Seth Gabel is a versatile
  • Seth Gabel is a versatile

  • macfan881
    Sep 12, 03:29 PM
    With The New Get Album artwork is it possible now to update the Artwork to the ipod now? :confused: cause i dont see any of the artwork that i have gotten on my ipod

    seth gabel. Actor Seth Gabel arrives at
  • Actor Seth Gabel arrives at

  • Benjy91
    Mar 29, 11:35 AM
    When Windows starts to come close to SL in terms of ease of use and functionality let me know ;)

    Sorry I'm late, Windows 7 launched October 22, 2009. And its been awesome since.

    seth gabel. Seth Gabel 1
  • Seth Gabel 1

  • roocka
    Mar 22, 02:53 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)


    Hopefully we'll see the Liquidmetal patent introduced on the internals..

    seth gabel. Seth Gabel has landed a vital
  • Seth Gabel has landed a vital

  • Warbrain
    Apr 20, 10:13 AM
    Section 4b of the software license agreement explains it all:


    seth gabel. Seth Gabel
  • Seth Gabel

  • peas
    Oct 12, 08:04 PM
    well here's the kicker for the fools who fall for these gimmicks.
    you can donate directly and it's a tax write off as a charitable contribution.
    or, you can buy the same boring lollipop, in 10 different colors, and see this 5% go towards the charity which apple will gladly pony up as it will benefit them after their returns and reports are done.

    so i gotta ask, why bother justifying your purchase as "good will"?
    why not just call a spade a spade and say...durr durr durrr?

    seth gabel. VIDEO: Seth Gabel gets Dirty
  • VIDEO: Seth Gabel gets Dirty

  • mondesi43
    May 3, 11:47 AM
    So where do I buy a TB cable to hook-up my MBP to the new iMac so can transfer files, use the iMac as a second screen, and hook up my drobo to the iMac for storage? Or are all the peripheral and cables coming in summer?

    seth gabel. Seth Gabel and ABC,
  • Seth Gabel and ABC,

  • ValSalva
    Apr 25, 05:29 PM
    I love this idea so I'll just add on
    As for 6, I either would like it to be 14in in the same form factor (less bezel) or just make it a smaller 13in with less bezel.

    7. Do a hybrid HDD/SSD drive, like Seagate has.

    8. Remove optical drive (makes room for things I actually use, like processors/gpus/cooling)

    9. Make a matte option on the 13in, (ideally ditch the glass in general for either regular glossy or matte screens)

    10. Make the laptop slightly lighter, like .2-.5lbs lighter

    11. Put a real GPU in the 13in

    12. Also somehow fit a quad core in the 13in

    13. Allow for 16GB of RAM

    If they did all this by next summer, well gosh I would be the happiest guy in the world but even half of these things would be pretty nice.

    The new 13" MBP will accept 16GB of RAM. It's pricey (http://eshop.macsales.com/shop/memory/Apple_MacBook_MacBook_Pro/Upgrade/DDR3_1333MHz_SDRAM) though.

    seth gabel. Seth Gabel Joins #39;Fringe#39;
  • Seth Gabel Joins #39;Fringe#39;

  • Bernard SG
    Apr 29, 03:10 AM
    Is the global sales growth drop due to Windows? How many percent gain of the overall OS market has Apple gained with the 26% increase in Mac sales?

    Windows representing AFAIK at least 90% of the worldwide installed base, the dip in PC demand is all linked to a drop of Windows PC demand.
    Apple's global market share progressed by 1.4 point YoY to 4.6% in Q1 2011. In US figures, Mac market share progression is similar, 1.5 to 8.5%.
    Those figures do not include iPad and other tablets and include netbooks.

    And a little correction: Mac growth is actually 28%, not 26% as I wrote before.

    seth gabel. Seth Gabel in quot;Dirty Sexy
  • Seth Gabel in quot;Dirty Sexy

  • geox
    Apr 23, 02:18 PM
    backlit keyboard on it and i am in. Perfect form factor and feature set for what i do all day every day. And less weight in my bag

    currently have the 13 mbp and would love to get a mba to lighten my load.


    Sep 4, 06:51 PM
    This is good news!

    Jul 15, 05:21 AM
    :( And I thought I was hot stuff with my 2GHz Core Duo iMac... Less than a month old!
    Oh well, that's the way it always goes...Someone should have paid attention to the Buyer's Guide.


    I've had the money for an iMac for over a month now. I haven't bought it though.

    What's the probability of being able to drop one of the newer, more powerful chips into my iMac sometime in the future? I mean, I've got 2GB RAM and a 500GB HDD, and a 256MB video card... A newer processor down the line should work well, right?The CPU is possible but you probably wouldn't want to it yourself. The hard drive is easier. The video card would require an entire logic board replacement.

    Mar 29, 11:40 AM
    Microsoft overtaking Apple for marketshare. Hmm...sounds familiar.

    Mar 30, 12:35 PM
    Maybe Bill should spend some more money on developing a decent OS in stead of whining about Apple's wording of something.

    Sorry but you've gotta be the dumbest person around here. 'Bill' has no involvement in Microsofts activities and hasn't done for a LONG time.

    Microsoft have a very valid argument. Just because they are MICROSOFT it doesn't mean they are always wrong. (I know, it's shocking isn't it!)

    Mar 23, 05:18 PM
    Personally I find it hard to believe that so drunk as to warrant avoiding a checkpoint will be collected enough to use the app effectively in the first place.

    Anyone saying pull it obviously doesn't EVER drink. In just about every state, 1 beer technically puts you over the limit. Find me anyone who is impaired to drive after 1 beer, or even maybe 3. DUI check points pull EVERYONE over.

    I'm totally in favor of things like this as long as organizations like MAD keep lobbying for ridiculous laws. Don't get me wrong, MAD is a very great organization, but kids aren't supposed to drink at all, and are not going to be any less likely to have an accident with a drunk driver because of these apps. Most adults are responsible enough to have a couple of cocktails. Our laws punish everyone, not the alcoholics that really are super drunk and well over the limit. The higher limits that used to allow someone 2 or 3 beers still punished the alcoholics. But to the OP's point... no, really plastered people wouldn't be using this app. They're the ones driving into the phone poles or people that will be on the roads anyway