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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face

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  • chris975d
    Mar 27, 07:32 AM
    Ah, I forgot about that, Verizon models are not available here :) .

    No problem. I kind of thought that you might be outside the US and not factoring in the Verizon models.

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa amber rose face
  • wiz khalifa amber rose face

  • reflex
    Sep 15, 04:22 PM
    My bet is on MBP updates next week, Aperture the week after.

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo
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  • Popeye206
    Apr 7, 10:45 AM
    Apple is one greedy corporation that just loves to attack.. typical of the coming corporate takeover of humanity.

    Of course! Any company that makes money has to be greedy! Even worse, they keep making the products so darn good, people keep buying them! How frick'n evil and corrupted can you get! If they really cared, they'd produce junk so we'd all stop buying! :rolleyes:

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. it with Wiz Khalifa (and
  • it with Wiz Khalifa (and

  • naco
    Nov 26, 03:48 PM
    To me, Tablets are worthless. I've had to deal with them at work because some people continue to order them for all their tasks, but they're less mobile than some laptops. They're usually the same thickness or size as a portable, so why carry something that's going to be crippled in some manner?

    I think you may be forgetting about Apple and the way they use their products.:) If Apple jumped into the tablet market, they would change everything. If they are going with their original idea, then it wouldn't be a full on tablet computer. And if they release iTV and their 50" TV as the rumors say, then this would be a universal remote. But you say tablets are useless? Not if you are Apple.:p Apple will link this to everything they can as an incentive for greater ease with their products. iTV, their monitors, laptop/home computers, ipods, and their servers for IT guys. This will either be the best, or the worse product Apple will have. If people realize that this hardware could simplify everything, then it will succeed. But if Apple cripples it and people find it useless, then it will fail. It all depends on Apples creative ingenuity. Just think of the possibilities. :D

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.
  • wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.

  • Amnak
    Apr 7, 11:49 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I'd like to know when apples ever had real pressure to do anything, they do what they want when they want and they DGF

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo
  • wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo

  • Satori
    Apr 7, 09:35 AM
    So, what is Apple doing with a bunch of 7" touch screens, since Jobs said "7 inch tablets are dead on arrival"?

    I also don't recall RIM ever giving a date before April 19th.

    This is about production capacity rather than specific sizes of screen.

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  • wiz khalifa amber rose tat. of

  • MacFly123
    Apr 22, 02:38 PM
    Seriously? We also do full DVD high end hollywood type authoring at my facility (have been for 10+ Years) and Blu-Ray authoring and we have no need for internal optical super drives.

    You guys seriously need to unhinge yourselves from those internal drives...lol :)

    Why should I just have to buy another additional piece of hardware that is ugly and not integrated just to be able to do what my clients want?

    Wait till the 2012 update then axe them forever! I don't care, but this year is a bit premature. The online delivery ecosystem still has a lot to work out! I am all for the future, but we are not quite there yet.

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  • wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo

  • clibinarius
    Mar 29, 02:54 PM
    The batteries of note are probably for the nano/shuffle, not the touch. Hence why the supply isn't a problem yet with the iphones.

    Try to remember, people who post these things, there's several types of ipods.

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa tattoos amber rose
  • wiz khalifa tattoos amber rose

  • Chundles
    Sep 10, 11:23 PM
    Wanted to add to this thread the "interesting" picture...
    Source: http://www.tuaw.com/2006/09/10/banner-for-september-12th-event/

    Looks fake.

    Is fake.

    Discussion of fake iPod picture. (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=232341)

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo
  • wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo

  • Full of Win
    Apr 21, 05:08 PM
    I think the next Mac Pro refresh will be a huge milestone. Not only will it be the first case redesign in nearly a decade and add all the latest tech (USB3, sata III, thunderbolt, etc) but I believe Apple will take this opportunity to finally revise the pricing structure. Over the past few years, Apple has been making a clear shift towards the consumer market. Part of that is arguably negative ("dumbing things down") but the positive is more reasonable prices. The Mac Pro is the only computer left that hasn't been revised. My hope is that Apple will create a few models of the new Mac Pro, at least one of which is an affordable mid-range consumer tower starting under the the $2,000 mark.

    Unfortunately, they will probably wait to use the new performance desktop/server sandy bridge CPUs which Intel won't have ready until Q4 2011 (or later). If that's true then we won't see these new beauties until 1H 2012. :(

    Basically, what many of us have been asking / begging Apple to do; release an iMac w/o the display and with removable hard drives.

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.
  • wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 7, 02:12 PM
    Hmm... Cinema displays also got a bump.

    20" ACD
    Brightness: 250 cd/m2 -> 300 cd/m2
    Contrast Ratio: 400:1 -> 700:1

    23" ACD
    Brightness: 270 cd/m2 -> 400 cd/m2
    Contrast Ratio: 400:1 -> 700:1

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  • macnews
    Apr 25, 09:21 AM
    I have to wonder if this email is accurate. It could be another bunch of FUD being put out there in an attempt to make it look like Apple isn't taking this seriously.

    Is it serious? Yes and no. Sure the data isn't being sent to Apple but there is no way to "opt out" of it and that is what many people have issues with. Then again, they will have issues with it until they need to track someone - like a lost loved one or a cheating spouse (I'm sure this has majorly freaked out some cheaters!).

    I also have to wonder how long before we get proof many other phones do this - not just android either, I've got a sneaky suspicion more phones do this than people realize.

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa amber rose.
  • wiz khalifa amber rose.

  • bruinsrme
    Apr 9, 08:36 PM
    Spotlight is giving me 288.

    You are using an * in you formula, the original doesn't have an *

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  • wiz khalifa amber rose face

  • DTphonehome
    Jul 29, 09:20 PM
    Of course Verizon will wait two years before they decide to adopt it into their lineup.

    Ha! Verizon will NEVER carry it.

    Anyway I'm on verizon and its been nothing but problems with them for the past year or so. Their 'can you hear me now' network has turned into the 'what? hello? HELLO? *click*' network. I'll be happy to switch if the new phone is not on verizon.

    I'm pretty happy with VZW service. Their phones are lousy and crippled, but after trying every other provider, VZW was the only one who had almost perfect service in NYC, and I need reliable service more than I need a shiny phone.

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.
  • wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.

  • arcite
    Apr 7, 10:40 AM
    By now you should know that Apple is a greedy company, just wanting to hurt others and bankrupt several in the process.. its corporate america at its best.. hopefully NOT FOR TOO LONG.

    You should really direct your anger at the giant Chinese state owned and supported mega-corporations that readily copy and steal intellectual data, employ slave labor, and otherwise follow no rules other than the wills of their government.

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa tattoos amber rose
  • wiz khalifa tattoos amber rose

  • QCassidy352
    Jul 21, 02:54 PM
    wow, most importantly on slide 3 they say that they launched the 965 chipset. that means they can switch to the 965 integrated GPU across the board for consumer macs. that would certainly help the heat issues, make the macs cheaper and less complicated to design for apple. standard parts and boards allow for even faster updates. good news.

    mmm... GMA965. :D That should be a very nice improvement over the 950!

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.
  • wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.

  • Eddyisgreat
    Mar 29, 08:30 PM
    I guarantee America has all the technology required to make components for a phone battery.

    Yeah. They can build planes in Nigeria too. :rolleyes:

    Sheesh the amount of nationalism is ridiculous when it comes to these matters. It's a wide world out there. You're telling me some other outfit had either the knowledge and capability to bring the required components to fruition and scale to meet apple's demands? Why the heck did they get the Japanese got the contract then? Because they're not American?

    Face it - America isn't the absolute best at absolutely everything.

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa amber rose face
  • wiz khalifa amber rose face

  • E.Lizardo
    Apr 20, 07:12 AM
    If you can have a bigger screen without a physically larger device size and weight, then yes, it is necessarily better.

    Emphasis on same size device.I don't want an Android size brick.

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his face. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.
  • wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.

  • badcrumble
    Mar 30, 08:10 PM
    The new iCal is hideous. This "metaphor" crap is awful, and reeks of Mac OS 9. Make things look sleek and modern like the new Mail app, please.

    Aug 7, 09:49 PM
    actually crucial already has your ram, apple's basically using an intel 5000 motherboard:


    I was thinking this myself until I saw it was 4 x 512mb sticks. That just sucks. If it was 2 x 1gb sticks I would say not bad but its not good. Give crucial a few days to look into it. They guarantee compatibility, if it doesn't work you can return it. I am holding out for third party ram and staying with the 1gb base. Thank god its 1gb and not 512mb they usually throw at us.

    Sorry to cast a shadow over your decision but hey if you can afford it who cares right.

    Aug 3, 10:32 PM
    god i hope its true. joshy needs a new imac :D

    Apr 18, 05:14 PM
    The "look" of icons clearly can not be patented.

    Absolutely false. For instance on MArch 18, 2011 alone, the EU awarded Apple about 24 patents on icons (patentlyapple.com)

    Mar 29, 09:09 AM
    isn't dropbox the same thing?

    Yes, Dropbox has customizable storage amounts besides their Free and Pro plans, and when you buy an MP3 (or album) from Dropbox, you can store it in your Dropbox and have it not count against your total storage limit.

    Further, Cloud Drive clearly includes automatic synchronization from and to your computer and other devices.

    No, did you even read any of the article or the page on Amazon? Dropbox still sounds much better (local and cloud copies, with automatic integration and synchronization with the local file system), but besides their clouded-ness, the only thing they seem to have in common is that Dropbox uses Amazon S3 for storage. However, I think Cloud Drive has a lot of potential, especially for music, and if they ever offer a native client for better OS integration (like Dropbox), I think it might take off.

    Apr 25, 09:44 AM
    Scary, and seems to be US only.

    Thank god its us only!! lol