Good news for Scarlett Johansson
The Marvel character is one of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents and a member of the 'Avengers'. Beautiful Scarlett Johansson portrayed her in 'Iron Man 2' as a spy and Tony Stark's assistant.
At a press conference for 'Iron Man 2,' studio boss Kevin Feige has confirmed that there are discussions about a spin-off for Johansson's role as Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow. He also added that superhero movie 'The Avengers' will be made first. No further details on the project have been released as yet.
In February 2011 Scarlett Johansson, a.k.a. 'The Black Widow,' will start shooting with 'Joss Whedon's 'The Avengers' for a release in 2012.
As filmsandstarstv presented below
Film & Animation
Scarlett Johansson Iron Man 2 The Black Widow