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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

coloring pages for easter

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  • mwatha
    Mar 30, 06:03 PM
    Looks like OS X Server has been removed from Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2 as it is now available as a separate download "Mac OS X Lion Server Developer Preview 2"

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  • iApples
    Apr 10, 01:58 AM
    I inputed it exactly like this in my calculator and I got 2. So...

    You didn't enter it properly then...

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  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 10, 05:36 PM
    I didn't quite read the whole thread, and I've seen people trying to present definitive answers representing multiple possible answers. While I don't claim to be an end all source, math is one thing that I can do and do understand.

    I was tempted not to post, but, I think understanding the order of operations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations)/etc is something that is relatively important.

    Multiple people have quoted the order : P(arenthes) E(xponents) M(ultiplication) D(ivision) A(ddition) S(ubtraction).

    As stated, that is NOT totally accurate. Multiplication and division are the same operation, as are addition and subtraction. Thus, the order between them can be flipped. That is, P E D M A S is true, as is P E D M S A, as is P E M D S A.

    If multiplication and division both appear you go from LEFT to RIGHT.

    Parenthesis are implied multiplication.

    So, first, in the parenthesis we have 12, so, 48/2(12). As that is written, one does 48/2=24*12. So, as the problem is written, the answer is 288. While the method of writing the problem is certainly not the best, the problem does, to my knowledge, only have one true answer.

    An important note: not all calculators correctly apply the orders of operations. Any scientific calculator form the last 5 years or so should, and if it is outputting anything other then 288 I would be interested in knowing. Some pocket calulators with + - x � just go left to right.

    Wolfram is, as usual, right. (http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=48%2F2%289%2B3%29)
    Well written answer. If Wolfram Alpha says 288 then that's the answer.

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  • spazzcat
    Mar 29, 09:18 AM
    how many of those apps sell music and movies for use on portable devices?

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  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 11:15 AM
    2 is winning.

    Time to get some wining.

    Ask Charlie Sheen.

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  • steve_hill4
    Nov 26, 12:58 PM
    Another in a long line of tablet rumors. :rolleyes:
    I doubt Apple would waste their time on a tablet. The market has proven that there is little demand for them.

    I add another vote for "before the iPod, the market proved worthless for mp3 players". I use a PDA and have used tablets briefly in the past and have to say they have their place. For me, it's PDAs all the way, especially when I see the Samsung Q1 and how clumsily put together that was. Let Apple loose and we may see something in that form factor worth getting.

    It could open them back up for that market too, and who also remembers the rumours and/or video of the multi-touch screen that surfaced a while back, and it was suggested Apple were behind it? Stepping stones? I wouldn't like to see the Newton name again, whatever the product. It would be great to see it, but would feel too much like looking back. Also, if it were OSX based, what would be the point? Not Newton OS. I have mine and the name deserves its place in history, not the present.

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  • Easter Coloring Page 3

  • -aggie-
    May 5, 07:32 AM
    So that I can have the pleasure of killing you in person. It's so much more enjoyable when I get to stand over you and watch the color drain from your face and the light disappear from your eyes.

    Awww... don't be so anxious, it's not all bad. I'll let you stay around by turning you into one of my zombie ghouls. That way you can welcome the next party of ill fated adventurers who dare to darken my doorstep.


    Well, where are you then?

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  • prss14
    May 7, 01:09 PM
    I do not see MM going free. I could see them lowering the price or adding some more features, but it isn't going to be free. I am ok with that. It has always worked for me. I know it hasn't for everyone, and that there are other free services, but I have liked how it works across all my Apple devices. And is worth it simply for the Find My iPhone feature.

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  • SteveRichardson
    Aug 11, 09:05 AM
    I. want. it. now.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 15, 05:20 PM
    Agreed at the latest. Gotta have the easy access HD bay like the MacBook or I will not adopt. :D

    coloring pages for easter. Easter Coloring Page 2
  • Easter Coloring Page 2

  • AppleDroid
    May 6, 01:05 AM
    Intel has been a Microsoft bitch for the past twenty years and it shows. They did everything they did to keep the 8086 instruction set running for every piece of screwed up DOS code written by guy with more karma than formal CS educations.

    You do realize that this was mostly driven by multi-national corporations that didn't want to pay software engineers money to update all of the ancient legacy software right? Do you also believe MS wanted IE6 to stick around for 10 years? :rolleyes:

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  • antmarobel
    Mar 30, 06:57 PM
    ...waiting...waiting...waiting...I know I'm in Brasilia, but the download "waiting" is ridiculous!!!:mad:

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  • iJohnHenry
    May 2, 07:18 PM
    I remember in elementary school, learning about the metric system since we were all going to switch to it. That never happened. I wonder why....

    A fair question.

    Ask NASA about the 'problem' with the Mars orbiter (http://articles.cnn.com/1999-09-30/tech/9909_30_mars.metric.02_1_climate-orbiter-spacecraft-team-metric-system?_s=PM:TECH). :D

    coloring pages for easter. To use these Easter coloring pages, click on one of the pages listed below. When the new window opens, choose Print from the File menu.
  • To use these Easter coloring pages, click on one of the pages listed below. When the new window opens, choose Print from the File menu.

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 20, 05:08 AM
    It will be the Iphone 5.

    iPhone 1: Apple never gave the first gen a number because that is just weird given the first one a number. Its not called fast and the furious 1.

    iPhone 2: Apple needed to make sure that its customer base knew that this phone was 3g so they adopted the name Iphone 3g. Imagine saying Iphone 2 with 3g. Most customers would have ignored the end and not known about the 3g's importance.

    iPhone 3: Apple had could have named it the 3 but then many of its customers not being tech savy in the least way would scream bloody murder they took off the 3g.

    iPhone 4: Apple had a good chance now to begin to use the naming system. It proved to be a good chance to name it the iPhone 4. With the Evo 4g being released at the same time naming it the 4 made customers believe it too was a 4g (cough) Phone. Believe it or not about 1/2 of iPhone 4 owners believe they have a 4g phone.

    iPhone 5: ...

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  • jfmartin
    Sep 11, 08:39 AM
    I think Apple is going to show impress us big time tomorrow. Here is what will be announced.

    * The iTunes Movie Store (iTunes 6.5 ou 7.0) with a few notable reworking of the iTunes Store to allow the integration of movies. I think if Apple is going to charge 10 buck per movie, it will add a few interesting twist to the 'DRM license' that goes with it and that would be part of the reason why only disney will be offered at first.. . The license is what makes Apple apart of the others... Studios will have to wait a see that the 'relaxed' DRM license Apple is proposing for 9.99$ is better than the others and people will realize that by buying 'in mass' so other Studios will come in... and leave Amazon Unbox... well, in a box !

    * iPod nano second gen. Larger screen, new enclosure. 4, 6, 8 gigs. May be a few more surprise in the nano (radio ?, movies playable ? we don't on this one, isn't it ?)

    * iPod Video full screen size

    * all the iPods with a color screen will be declared iTunes Movie Store aware...

    All this will be the first part of the show... then one more thing...

    There will be a 'media center' kind of box that will tap Airport Express technology in it and that will tie with iTunes as the source of the movies in the living room... the main interface will be Frontrow 2.0.

    I think this the exactly the kind of incremental approach is going to take once again tomorrow to bring us Movies in our living room. A well integrated approach that includes all the piece (iPod, iTunes, Macs, and PC)...

    iTunes is definitively the new plateform for content delivery...


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  • spriter
    Jul 21, 03:15 PM
    G5 PowerBooks on Tuesday!

    :eek: :D

    I think MacBooks will get Merom in their second revision. Either way, I'm liking Intel's relentless surge.

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  • nidserz
    Apr 10, 01:53 AM
    This thread is hilarious. Take a calculator and enter the numbers the exact way they are in the OP and you'll only get one answer... On any calculator. If you think you're smarter then a calculator.. Well I have nothing to say to you. Just... Good luck to your ego.

    Answer is 288.

    I inputed it exactly like this in my calculator and I got 2. So...

    Edit: I voted 2 because I thought of it as 48 over (/) 2(9+3)
    But written as 48�2(9+3) I would say 288...


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  • ergle2
    Sep 16, 05:15 AM
    At most it would have the yet to be released Mobility X1700 or currently available Geforce GO7600.

    There is simply not enough room for either a Mobility X1800 or Geforce GO7700 chip in this 1" thick notebook. Stay in fairyland . . . why can't people be a bit realistic?

    Thanks for the condescending tone in response to an off-the-cuff "would be nice" comment -- it makes you look such a man.

    Of course, given the Go 7700 is effectively an 80nm 7600 -- and therefore should use less power -- I'd say it was realistic to suggest it be used.

    Well done.

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  • cav23j
    Mar 26, 11:27 PM
    So the sources are Gruber who stated it was a guess and TechCrunch who are, well, TechCrunch.

    sounds like someone just bought an iPad 2

    May 6, 04:05 AM
    I can see apple maybe putting an ARM chip in the macbook so it can run in low power tablet mode, but to complete replace the CPU really makes no sense. However lots that the do seldom makes sense, so who knows. The reason I won't be buying a mac again is simply because they are severly underpowered, gaming really sucks on them compared to what you can get on a PC.

    Apple needs to replace the optical drive with another AMD GPU, and Crossfire them sexy beasts up. Gone will be the days of Macs that can't run every game in existence at max settings.

    I'm surprised by the amount of resistance I'm seeing to this idea. I've assumed for a while that this move was inevitable. ARM procs will be fast, relatively cheap, cool, and energy efficient. Apple already has an OS for it which will see considerable convergence with the Mac OS in the near future. This will be a great move for Apple and for consumers, as was the move to Intel.

    I agree. Like i stated earlier, the transition from PowerPC to Intel was... Uncomfortable, but it was not painful in any way. There was a slight performance hit from running things via rosetta, but remember, rosetta is not wine. Wine's performance issues stem from the fact that it's having to implement an entire OS. All rosetta does is translate PowerPC instructions to Intel instructions and not much else. If Apple made the transition, the majority of users wouldn't even notice, because all their intel apps would continue to run for many years to come. The transition would be almost entirely transparent to the average user, just as the PowerPC/Intel transition was.

    Also, knowing Microsoft, if they ever made the switch to ARM, they would provide TWO versions of windows, one that works with ARM, and one that works with intel, creating the severe fragmentation that exists with 32-bit windows vs 64-bit windows, but for Intel/ARM. It's the main reason MacOS is so far ahead in terms of 64-bit deployment. No 64-bit macs are running 32-bit only OSes, and the devs know it. Not so with the windows world. I think the transition would be extremely painful for Microsoft if they don't at least try to implement universal binaries.

    Mar 28, 09:56 AM
    On second thought, I don't believe it. I think someone was just over analyzing this.

    May 4, 06:22 PM
    I said it in the other thread : All for a download version of OS X Lion, but it should not be through the app store like the current DP. Checkout should provide you with a disc image that you burn to your own DVD/USB Thumb drive.

    You can already make a bootable USB thumb drive/DVD/external HD partition with Lion. You just have to use "Show Package Contents" to access the .dmg. Hopefully Apple will make a more user-friendly way of making a hard backup, perhaps through the installer itself.

    To the guy who asked about software updates: They are still done through Software Update. OS updates will never be downloaded on the App Store (except, perhaps if you want to re-image your install with the latest point release you'd be redownload it.)

    One thing that concerns me is educational pricing. There is no mechanism for edu discounts on the App store currently. That may force me to go the DVD route, if Lion turns out to be a full $129 release with an edu version for $69.

    Other than that, I couldn't care less whether I get the Lion dmg either via apple.com or the app store.

    Apr 10, 11:21 AM
    In my opinion-

    48/2(9+3) = 288

    48/(2(9+3)) = 2

    To make it clear you could write it with ( ... )^-1 like a real man! :D

    Aug 4, 04:07 PM
    You know, considering that Sony has been able to cram a DL drive in something as tiny as the TX series (not to mention the SZ series), I'm not sure why Apple couldn't do something similar with the 15" MBP.

    Why not compare the sizes?

    If you look both MBP are 1" tall with the lid closed while the Sony TX series is 1.12" tall and the SZ is 1.5" tall (at the thickest... which is up near the drive area).